Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oil soars to break through $95 in N.Y!...

Oil has gone over $95.00!
Boy, did you hear President raise hell with our friends, the Saudis, Kuwaitis and the other Muslims for whom our soldiers died (and are still dying)in the Gulf wars, for allowing the price of oil to us to triple?

You didn't???

Surprise!!! Neither did I! And neither has anyone else!

And he didn't raise hell when it went past $80.00!

And he didn't raise hell when it went past $70.00!

And he didn't raise hell when it went past $60.00!

And he didn't raise hell when it went past $50.00!

And he didn't raise hell when it went past $40.00!

In fact, he has never raised hell about anything any foreign country has done to take unfair advantage of the United States!

He isn't raising hell about our tremendous trade imbalance with Communist China!

He doesn't give a shit what happens to the average American Citizen as long as he isn't personally bothered by it!

You know who raised hell and got the price of oil back down when it started up before? Bill Clinton raised hell and got the price back down!

Ronald Reagan raised hell and got the price of oil back down!

Richard Nixon raised hell and got the price of oil back down!

Oh, yeah, and even JIMMY CARTER raised hell and got the price of oil back down!

Now where in the HELL is President George W Bush?

He's sitting on his ass at his ranch and laughing at those of us who can't even afford to take a vacation because of the high price of gasoline!

George W Bush will go into the books as the worse president in our history! I don't feel good about saying that but it is the truth!

Now, how about some of you GETTING OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND LETTING THE PRESIDENT KNOW HOW WE FEEL?!? Or we can just sit back and give all our money to Saudi Arabia and the OPEC Muslims and Communist China so they can finance (with our money) their nuclear technologies to where they can wipe us out whenever they want to!

Now, have a nice life!



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