Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So You Think Boycotts Are Stupid?...

Tell that to these Texans!
BEEVILLE — Texans don't like to be messed with, especially in this rugged South Texas county not far from some of the state's major independence battlefields.

So, it was only a matter of time before Bee County Judge Jimmy Martinez said someone had to stand up to tackle a national epidemic striking at the heart — and pockets — of local residents: Rising gas prices.

This week, Bee County became the first in the state, possibly the country, to pass a resolution asking motorists to boycott fuel pumps beginning Monday.

County elected officials said they would ask others in the state to follow suit.

"Hey, the American people are tired," Martinez said. "What we did is we simply took action instead of complaining.

"We're offering our residents a beacon of hope."

Here's a whole county that will try it. The people who own some stations say it won't hurt the oil company; only them. But, if you're gonna do it, you gotta do it no matter what!

If this takes off and spreads nationwide (I'm gonna do it, no doubt) because of this Texas County, maybe Exxon will ask for some of the 400 million bucks back they gave to one of their retiring executives and give it back to us!...sure...'duh'



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